How to Tie a Tie


         Hi there I'm going to show you one of the most popular ways to tie your tie using the Windsor knot also known as some double Windsor or a full Windsor start with your color up in the tire our Jenek if you're right-handed hold the wide end in your right hand and the narrow end in your left hand now it's important to remember that the longer you make the wide end the lower the time. Will hang when you're finished basically you want to line up your tie like this if you remember this tool save yourself a lot of time later on now cross each end over wide end over the top and leave about this much on the narrow end that's about 4 inches or 10 centimeters with your left hand take the wide end thread it through the back of this opening from behind thread it all the way through like this now take the wide end and with your left hand wrap it all the way around the back like this switch hands notice he have a back of the ties facing outward taking the wide end now in your right hand thread it through the front of this opening we're going through the front and down this time thread it through all the way down like this alright hardest parts now done the rest is easy what you can see here is the inside of your knot should look a bit like a triangle put your left index finger on the knot like this and keep it there with your other hand wrap the wide end around the knot from right to left and then grab it from behind keep your index finger where it is with your right hand push the wide end through this opening again from the back so they're coming up and through the back like this threading it through the hole all right here comes the punch line your index finger has created a little tunnel what you need to do now is thread the tie down through the tunnel and pull it down the last step now is to adjust and tighten it alternating between the long end and the short end gradually pulling the knot up shaping as you go until it's just how you want it to be he's sharp symmetrical triangular knot pull your collar down and bingo for full Windsor knot thank you .

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